I’m not a tv person anymore. That said, I do enjoy a handful of YouTube channels. Some of them are for comfort. Some are for distraction. Some are for motivation. Some are for laughs.

Enter 영국남자 Korean Englishman.

The YouTube channel that broke all barriers and decided to give me all of the above in one channel.

The personal mission of the Korean Englishman (Josh Carrot) and his Jolly sidekick (Ollie), and their team (Luke, Ducky, Grace, and Josh’s wife Gabie), is to bring beautiful Korean culture to English speakers and immerse us in a magnetizing, heartfelt way.

Usually on the 영국남자 Korean Englishman video menu are introducing British students, English-speaking actors, and other notable people to Korean food. But there are occasions of brilliance where the vids are so much more. Such as, their incredible trips taking British students to Korea to see sights, architecture, and landscape, while giving them a healthy spattering of Korean foods to try.

Truth be told, I love that set of vids the best. And there is a glass jar of Kimchi in this Texan’s refrigerator because of it. (They put Kimchi beside nearly every meal in Korea, and my curiosity grew to catlike levels, so I had to. P.S. It’s good on tacos and burritos.) But the older vids are just as entertaining, with forays into traditional Korean massage and treatments (that I’m convinced Ollie needs more of, fyi), Korean military (/gulp!/), and traditional Korean dress.

Audience melting occurs with the British 2 Year-old goes to KOREA playlist. You have been warned.

But why a review of this channel when there are so many others?


This channel has heart.

If a viewer is having a bad day, a down day, is unsettled, or anxious, this channel offers hope, worldview shifting, and encouragement.

There’s always new people to meet and new foods to try and more languages to learn!

But, just in case that doesn’t get you: the laughs will. The heart behind the laughs start the smiles, and then someone says something, or an accidental faux pas by a unsuspecting soul just takes it to hilarious. Not because there’s anything funny about cultures, but because learning something new is usually marked by blunders until it’s completely understood.

This is what I appreciate probably the most about 영국남자 Korean Englishman. They have a delightful way of helping individuals past their learning blunders so they are able to step into the new thing and really enjoy it.

Thank you, 영국남자 Korean Englishman.

Thank you for being brave and bringing all of us your beautiful souls on a screen.

당신에게, 대한민국. 한국은 아름답습니다. 학습하는 동안 기다려 주셔서 감사합니다.

If you, dear reader, need something comforting, well distracting, motivating, or smile-inducing, check out Josh & gang. 영국남자 Korean Englishman will not leave you the same in all the right ways.