My last post was about how to get into reading. This part will be about creating structure in your reading life. Finding books, tracking books, and reading books is just the start. I find that you have to make time for hobbies. And if you’re wanting some tips on how to protect your reading life now that you just started, here are a few I found to be helpful. It will take some trial and error to see what works for you.

You may be wondering what is a good balance between reading being a chore and leaving it up to chance. The three ingredients for successfully reaching goals are to make them measurable, attainable, and realistic. Realistically you are not going to read if you do not carve out the time. Creating structure is the best way to make time for reading.


  1. Creates a plan to fall back on even when chaos interrupts your life and you get off track.
  2. Helps you stay intentional and serious about making reading a priority
  3. Helps you build good habits.
  4. Gives you more freedom then trying to leaving your hobbies up to chance (more on this later).
  5. Is not about perfection but being as realistically consistent as possible can be (I’m preaching to myself here. I tend to expect things to go perfectly).

Tips for structure

  1. Pick how often to read- you may want to read every day or you may just want to read every weekend. Whichever works for you make sure you either write it down or speak it out to keep yourself accountable. If you have a few days a week that you know are consistently busy do not pick those days to read on. I enjoy reading daily because it helps me unwind and its something I can look forward to no matter how difficult or long the day is.
  2. Pick a time of day- It’s best to pick a time of day you can consistently read. Whether that’s an hour at lunch break, early in the morning or late at night. Pick the time when you’re least distracted, and least likely to be needed by your children, work, friends…whoever.
  3. Pick amount of time- Start off small. This may sound a bit counterintuitive but when I first set a goal I make it easy as possible. It should almost be too easy at the start, again its about consistency not difficulty. If you haven’t read for fun in years start with ten minutes every morning. I love to read my non-fiction books or the Bible for about ten-twenty minutes in the morning. Then at night I try to read at least an twenty-minutes to an hour before bed. I usually stop watching tv an hour before bed to make this goal.
  4. Set a timer- Trust me this is the best things I’ve ever done! Put your phone on do not disturb then set a timer to read. This keeps distractions at bay and helps you fully relax into your book. (Also it helps remind me that the world won’t fall apart without my participation).
  5. Trial and Error- You may find one system of structure isn’t helping or maybe its too rigid for you. That’s all right, do yourself a favor though and keep trying something until it sticks. Everyone has a different personality. Some people need more structure or less depending on how motivated they are.

I hope these tips were helpful. Sometimes new changes take time and I promise there will be temptation to dismiss your reading life as unimportant, but please resist that! I hope you find an oasis of safety and a good bit of escapism through reading like I do!